What do we want from our digital environments?

In a thoughtful essay for the Atlantic a few weeks ago, Navneet Alang wrote about the desire to be heard. Writing of Alexa’s Secret Keeper app, which records password-protected “private thoughts,” Alang notes: “The appeal of the app is obvious – it lets you get something off your chest. It also suggests that sometimes, who… Continue reading What do we want from our digital environments?

Wanted: A Vocabulary of Digital Experience

What does it feel like to have a body? In his seminal work Bodies and Selves in Early Modern England, Michael Schoenfeldt explores the impact of humoral theory on this question in the writings of early modern English authors like Donne, Spenser, and Herbert. In the first chapter of the book Schoenfeldt ponders the continuing attraction of these physical… Continue reading Wanted: A Vocabulary of Digital Experience